Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Still Recovering from my Surgery - Update on Linda K

 Hi Everyone 

Its been a whirlwind for me the last couple of months due to me having surgery on my Collar Bone and my Shoulder.  

I am no longer going to Therapy because it cost me every time I go.  I have a Medical Bill now that is over $400.00 and I want to get this paid off.  

I go back to see my Orhopedic Surgeon on the 18th of June.  It will be three months as of June 18th since I have seen him.  

I can use my arm just fine except the one place on the side of my arm still hurts and painful if I move my arm the wrong way.  I need to talk to him about that.  I think in my own opinion there is something wrong with my Upper Arm.  We shall see.  

I have been stitching on several projects.  I will get them posted later.  

My area has been having Storms and Cold Weather for the last few weeks.  It has rained - storm every single day for the last two weeks.  

Take Care & Happy Stitching

God Bless You

Love & Prayers

Linda K, Buttercup 


  1. Get well soon , hope your arm gets better so you can stitch .
    Hugs June.

  2. I hope you are out of pain soon. Will keep you in my thoughts. Be Safe in the storms.

  3. Surgery is no fun at all. Hope you are doing your exercises at home Linda and recovery comes soon.
