Friday, June 28, 2024

Progress On Pandemic

Progress on Pandemic by Long Dog Samplers - Friday, June 28, 2024jpg

Pandemic by Long Dog Samplers

I am stitching this on 14 Count White Aida - Zweigart 

I am using DMC #321 for the entire Project.  

This is my Progress on Pandemic.  I have two more Big Motifs to do plus some smaller ones and than Page One will be finished.  I really enjoy stitching on this.  Its easy and only one color.  I love it.  

I am hoping to have this done by the end of this year - 2024

Thank you for looking :)

Love & Prayers
God Bless You
Linda K, Buttercup   

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Thank You For All Of Your Comments

 Hi Everyone

    Thank you all so very much for all of your Comments on my Yellow Flowers and my other posts.  I really appreciate them so very much.  

I have about 99% use of my arm...My Orthopedic Surgeon wants me to keep exercising my arm and to lift it straight up in the air as high as I can go.  I can lift my arm straight up in the air but it is not high enough for him.  Darn him.  I have three months to improve my arm going up higher in the air.  

I am stitching but I take breaks so I don't over do it with my Shoulder.  

I am reading The Women by Kristin Hannah.  If you love Historical Fiction this is the book for you.  This is so so very good.  I am in love with this book.  

Today is Saturday, June 22, 2024 and today is the last day of our extreme hot weather.  It is suppose to end tonight at 8 p.m.  We will get rain on Tuesday.  I have been watering my flowers every morning.  

That is all for now...Once again Thank You So Very Much For the Comments.

Take care & Happy Stitching

Love & Prayers

God Bless You

Linda K, Buttercup 

Friday, June 21, 2024


My Yellow Flowers has Bloomed - Friday, June 21, 2024

These are the Flowers that grow every Spring/Summer in my Flower Bed...I just love them.

Does anyone know what they are called?  

I wish I had them in all of my Flower Beds.  

Take Care & Happy Stitching
God Bless You 
Love & Prayers
Linda K, Buttercup 

Once Upon A Fairytale - Heaven And Earth Designs

Progress on Once Upon A Fairytale - Heaven And Earth Designs - Artist is Aimee Stewart - Designer is Michele Sayetta - Pages One & Two Complete - Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Once Upon A Fairytale

Heaven And Earth Designs

Artist is - Aimee Stewart 

Designer is - Michele Sayetta 

25 Count Bone Lugana

1 x 1 Full Cross 

I am on Page 3 and actually I am half way done with Page 3.  I got more done on this since this was taken.  I don't have very much done on it but I am almost done with the 3 rd Column on Page 3.  I am loving this.  I love seeing this come to life as I am stitching on this.  That Owl is my favorite so far.  I love Owls.  

Take Care & Happy Stitching
God Bless You
Love & Prayers
Linda K, Buttercup 

Original Picture of Castle Wolves - Heaven And Earth Designs

Castle Wolves Original Picture - Heaven And Earth Designs - Artist is Jan Patrik Krasny - Designer is Michele Sayetta - Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Original Picture of Castle Wolves

Heaven And Earth Designs 

Artist is - Jan Patrik Krasny 

Designer is - Michele Sayetta

Here is what the Finish will look like when it is done.  I am in love with this Chart.  

Take Care & Happy Stitching

God Bless You
Love & Prayers
Linda K, Buttercup 

Castle Wolves Progress - Heaven And Earth Designs Chart

Castle Wolves - Heaven And Earth Designs - Artist is Jan Patrik Krasny - Designer is Michele Sayetta - First Column on Page One is Completely Finished - Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Castle Wolves

Heaven And Earth Designs Chart 

Artist is Jan Patrik Krasny 

Designer is Michele Sayetta

25 Count Ash Rose Lugana

1 x 1 Full Cross 

I have Finished the First Column on Page One of Castle Wolves.  The Colors in this is so very stunning.  I love love stitching on this.  I cannot hardly put this one down.  The Colors really stand out on this Fabric and I am so glad.  The Very Light Colors that you see...that is not white.  It is a very light light light Green - Very Very Light Blue Colors but they look like White though. I got the Fabric from 123stitch.    

Thank you for looking :)

God Bless You
Love & Prayers
Linda K, Buttercup 

PIcture of my Kitty Kat - Buttercup

My Child - Buttercup - 6 years old - Saturday, June 15, 2024

Buttercup - Male Kitty - 6 Years old

Buttercup owns our entire house....LOL...including the Front Porch - LOL...He spends most of his time on the Front Porch especially at night and early mornings.  

I just love him...He is my Baby...He follows me everywhere in the house when he is not sleeping including the Bathroom.  He even sleeps with me every niight.  The Minute I get in our Bed...he is right there snuggling right next to me purring up a storm.  He loves loves to steal my Threads out of my Floss Boxes....Yes he is my Thread Stealer.  Than he acts like he is so very innocent...Mom....I did not do nothing wrong....I just wanted to see what color your thread was is all.  Haha!  

He is my Baby - my thread stealer child.  

Thank you for looking :)

God Bless You
Love & Prayers
Linda K, Buttercup