Monday, April 13, 2020

Picture of my Kitty - Buttercup

Buttercup sound asleep in HIS Bed - My Two Year Old Child - Thursday April 9, 2020

This is my two year old Male Kitty named Buttercup - Yes he is in his terrible two's right now....LOL...He sleeps with me every night and he sleeps all night long.  He never wakes up until morning time.  I just love him to death.  He is my troubled child at times...LOL....He is full of life and energy and he keeps me company.  He is my baby.  

God Bless You
Love & Prayers
Linda K, Buttercup 

1 comment:

  1. Awwww....such a sweet puddy cat.... I have one like that... Hope you are staying well and safe ~ Robin
