Thursday, January 9, 2025

Frosty Forest Series - Block 5 Progress

Progress on Frosty Forest - Block 5 - Country Cottage Needleworks.jpg - Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Frosty Forest Series by Country Cottage Needleworks
Block 5 - Bluebird Cabin 
14 Count Light Blue Aida - Zweigart

I made more progress on this.  The Fence - all of the Snow - the two Bluebirds are completely stitch.  The Trees are done as well.  

I have started on the Bluebird Cabin.  It is a huge Cabin.  It will take me a while to stitch the Bluebird Cabin.  

I just have Blocks 6-9 to do and than this project will be finished.  

Weather Wise - my weather where I live at got down to 10 Above Zero F last night - the night of January 8th. It got down right cold.  My town where I live at was pretty quiet today due to the Freezing Temps.  Tomorrow - Friday - we are suppose to get anywhere from 1 to 3 inches of snow.  Fridays are my McDonalds Day.  I am hoping to get to McDonalds tomorrow for my lunch.  

A close friend of mine has passed away this week.  

Buttercup and I are doing just fine.  

I hope that you are all staying safe and warm.  Prayers for California - I have a Niece and her family that lives right in the Los Angeles Area.  

God Bless You 
Love & Prayers
Linda K, Buttercup  


  1. Hi Linda. Best to be hunkered down in warmth I'm sure. Where I'm at we're high and dry! No moisture, period. That same cabin you're about to do was intimidating for me, lol! I dreaded it but forced myself to just do it. Stay warm!

  2. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. You have my deepest sympathies. Your piece is looking nice, it is a chart I have long considered stitching. Can't wait to see how it progresses!

  3. That section looks lovely, the bluebirds are sweet!
    It's cold here too, getting colder next week. Hopefully we'll get some more snow on Sunday.
    I'm sorry to hear about your friend, that's always sad.
    Yes, continued prayers for CA.
