Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Still Recovering from my Surgery - Update on Linda K

 Hi Everyone 

Its been a whirlwind for me the last couple of months due to me having surgery on my Collar Bone and my Shoulder.  

I am no longer going to Therapy because it cost me every time I go.  I have a Medical Bill now that is over $400.00 and I want to get this paid off.  

I go back to see my Orhopedic Surgeon on the 18th of June.  It will be three months as of June 18th since I have seen him.  

I can use my arm just fine except the one place on the side of my arm still hurts and painful if I move my arm the wrong way.  I need to talk to him about that.  I think in my own opinion there is something wrong with my Upper Arm.  We shall see.  

I have been stitching on several projects.  I will get them posted later.  

My area has been having Storms and Cold Weather for the last few weeks.  It has rained - storm every single day for the last two weeks.  

Take Care & Happy Stitching

God Bless You

Love & Prayers

Linda K, Buttercup 

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