Friday, April 17, 2020

Picture of Buttercup my kitty

My Two Year Old Child - Mr. Buttercup - asleep in HIS Chair - Friday April 17, 2020

Here is my troubled child...hahaha....This is my beloved Buttercup - he is two years old and he is a Male.  He loves to sleep in my chair and he loves to lay on the back of my chair as well.  He has taken over my Chair.  That is okay though cause it is broke and it hurts my back to sit in it so I just let him sleep and lay in it when he wants to.  

I just love him to death...he is my baby.  

God Bless You
Love & Prayers
Linda K, Buttercup 

1 comment:

  1. How cute , I can see he brings you so much love .
    Take care .
