Monday, September 7, 2015

Welcome My New Followers to my Blog

Dear Friends

First of all I would like to Welcome my new followers to my Blog.  Thank you so very much for becoming a new follower of my Blog.

I am using my Kindle Fire Tablet to do everything on it because I am on Vacation and I don't have access to my computer at home.  I can't post any pictures or anything like that on my Blog without using my very own computer.

Since I have been on Vacation I have been reading a lot and running around with my girlfriend.  I went back to my hometown and I am visiting family and friends.  It's been a long time much needed vacation and I am doing what I want and go where I want.

Here in the U. S.  we are celebrating Labor Day weekend.  It's Friday - Monday.  Today is Labor Day.

I am spending the day laying on the couch and reading my book.  I am reading 14th Deadly Sin by James Patterson.  I bought Alert and Truth or Die by James Patterson for my Kindle.  I love James Patterson's Books.  I go to the Library with my Girlfriend at least once a week and I check out Books under her account.  I am going to get a Plac Card so I can get a Library card from the Library that I go to all of the time whenever I go back to my hometown.  It cost $65.00 for a Plac Card but it's well worth it to me.  I love Libraries and I could live in one very easily.  I am waiting on a book to come in at the Library.  It's called Home Front by Jim Butcher.  It's Book #1 in his Dresden Files.  There are 15 books to this series so far.  I am going to try to get these from the Library.  I don't want to buy these.

I am stitching some on Autumn Splendor by Stoney Creek.  I took Rocky Mountain Christmas by Marty Bell to my LNS and they are going to frame it for me.  I love the way they frame their pictures.  They do a excellent job in Framing.

It has been warm and hot once in a while.  There is no A/C where I am staying at so we have box fans going and ceiling fans going.

That is all for now

God Bless You
Love & Prayers
Linda K,  Railroad


  1. Hope you're having a lovely holiday Linda. $65 sounds like a lot of money but you love reading so it's worth having!

  2. Enjoy your vacation Linda, & being with your friends!
