Frosty Forest Series by Country Cottage Needleworks
Block 5 - Bluebird Cabin
14 Count Light Blue Aida - Zweigart
I made more progress on this. The Fence - all of the Snow - the two Bluebirds are completely stitch. The Trees are done as well.
I have started on the Bluebird Cabin. It is a huge Cabin. It will take me a while to stitch the Bluebird Cabin.
I just have Blocks 6-9 to do and than this project will be finished.
Weather Wise - my weather where I live at got down to 10 Above Zero F last night - the night of January 8th. It got down right cold. My town where I live at was pretty quiet today due to the Freezing Temps. Tomorrow - Friday - we are suppose to get anywhere from 1 to 3 inches of snow. Fridays are my McDonalds Day. I am hoping to get to McDonalds tomorrow for my lunch.
A close friend of mine has passed away this week.
Buttercup and I are doing just fine.
I hope that you are all staying safe and warm. Prayers for California - I have a Niece and her family that lives right in the Los Angeles Area.
God Bless You
Love & Prayers
Linda K, Buttercup