Saturday, March 8, 2025

Once Upon A Fairytale Progress

Progress on Once Upon A Fairytale - Heaven And Earth Designs - Artist is Aimee Stewart - Designer is Michele Sayetta - I am on Page 14 - Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Once Upon A Fairytale 
Heaven And Earth Designs
Artist is Aimee Stewart
Designer is Michele Sayetta

25 Count Bone Lugana
1 x 1 Full Cross

DMC Threads 

This is my progress so far on this.  I am on Page 14.  I am almost done with Page 14.  I am taking my time in stitching this.  I am in no hurry to get this one done.  I do one column from start to finish before I go to the next Column.  I do not have no lines.  The Trick is your Tension.  I love the Details that shows up as I am stitching on this.  

I take a break from this on the weekends - Friday - Sunday Night and I stitch on something that is easy and simple to do.  This gives my Eyes a Break.  Also I do not get burn out on a Large Project like this because I take breaks.  

Thank you for looking :)

Love & Prayers
God Bless You
Happy Stitching
Linda K, Buttercup   

Strawberry Farm Progress

Strawberry Farm Progress - Etsy Shop - FlossyFoxShop - Friday, March 7, 2025

Strawberry Farm 
Etsy Shop - flossyfoxshop 

16 Count Navy Blue Aida - Zweigart

This is my progress on this so far.  I am loving this.  I love how the Colors pop out on this Navy Blue Fabric.  I don't have any problems seeing to stitch on the Navy Blue Fabric.  

We have been getting Rain - Snow - High Winds a lot lately.  The Snow does not last long.  It is suppose to warm up this coming week so hopefully Mother Nature will get out of her Snowy Attitude.  I don't mind the Cold Temps but the Snow and the Ice I do.  

I am going to be starting another Full Coverage Project.  It is called Cuddle Time by Randal Spangler - Heaven And Earth Designs.  This Chart is so darn cute and so adorable.  I just love this Chart.  I am still stitching on Once Upon A Fairytale as my Full Coverage Project.  I am on Page 14 for the time being.  I am almost done with this Page.  I love seeing the little details coming alive as I am stitching on this.  

This is all for now...

Love & Prayers
God Bless You
Linda K, Buttercup 

Friday, January 24, 2025

Progress on Block 5 - Bluebird Cabin - Frosty Forest Series by Country Cottage Needleworks

Frosty Forest by Country Cottage Needleworks - Block 5 - Bluebird Cabin - Friday, January 24, 2025

Frosty Forest 
Country Cottage Needleworks
Block 5 - Bluebird Cabin

Using DMC Threads - Called For

Stitching this on 14 Count Light Blue Aida

This is my progress so far on Bluebird Cabin.  I just have the top to do - the Chimney Smoke - Some Snowflakes to do all up at the top.  Than this Block will be finished.  I have Blocks 6-9 to do.  

It has been very cold out - we did get snow but not very much of it.  Right now the Temp is Zero.  

My Niece Katy and her family lives in Los Angeles.  Her and her family is not in danger due to the Fires which I am so thankful for.  They are safe.  

Take Care & Happy Stitching

God Bless You
Love & Prayers
Linda K, Buttercup 

Friday, January 17, 2025

Block 5 - Bluebird Cabin Progress - Country Cottage Needleworks

Frosty Forest by Country Cottage Needleworks - Block 5 - Bluebird Cabin - Progress as of Friday, January 17, 2025

Frosty Forest by Country Cottage Needleworks

Stitching this on 14 Count Light Blue Aida 

I am on Block 5 - Bluebird Cabin.  Everything is done for Block 5 except for the Bluebird Cabin itself.  I am slowly stitching on this.  Its a Big Bluebird Cabin.  I love stitching on this.  Its a easy enjoyable pattern to stitch.  There are a total of 9 Blocks.  

On Monday and Tuesday of next week - my area will get down to extreme cold temps.  The High's for Monday and Tuesday will be 4 Degrees F above Zero.  The Windchill Factor will be a -30 Degrees below zero.  My Small Town will be dead.  No School and I doubt anything will be open except for two Gas/Food Mart Places in my town.  

Today is Friday, January 17th of 2025.  I went to McDonalds early this morning at 6 a.m. and got my favorite breakfast - Sausage Biscuit and my Large Plain Mocha Frappe.  I get this on Fridays.  I need to go to DG - Dollar General - and get a few groceries and than I am staying in this entire weekend and most of all next week.  

We did get snow the other day but it was in the 30's yesterday and today it will be in the 40's.  I am so glad of that.  

I am listening to Candy Coated Secrets by Cynthia Hickey.  Oh this book is so so funny.  Its a Christian Mystery.  The Sleuth and her Aunt gets into all sorts of predicaments and they are so funny especially her Aunt.  I dearly love this book.  It is so so good.  This is Book 2 in a series.  I don't know what the series is called.  Her Cousin is a Police Officer - the Sleuth and her Aunt gets arrested by her cousin because they keep getting into things where they don't belong.  I am on Chapter 21 out of 32 Chapters.  I am listening to this on Audible. 

I am praying for California - I have a Niece and her family that lives in Los Angeles.  I have not heard anything about them so I am hoping that they are okay.   

That is all for now...

God Bless You
Love & Prayers
Linda K, Buttercup 

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Frosty Forest Series - Block 5 Progress

Progress on Frosty Forest - Block 5 - Country Cottage Needleworks.jpg - Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Frosty Forest Series by Country Cottage Needleworks
Block 5 - Bluebird Cabin 
14 Count Light Blue Aida - Zweigart

I made more progress on this.  The Fence - all of the Snow - the two Bluebirds are completely stitch.  The Trees are done as well.  

I have started on the Bluebird Cabin.  It is a huge Cabin.  It will take me a while to stitch the Bluebird Cabin.  

I just have Blocks 6-9 to do and than this project will be finished.  

Weather Wise - my weather where I live at got down to 10 Above Zero F last night - the night of January 8th. It got down right cold.  My town where I live at was pretty quiet today due to the Freezing Temps.  Tomorrow - Friday - we are suppose to get anywhere from 1 to 3 inches of snow.  Fridays are my McDonalds Day.  I am hoping to get to McDonalds tomorrow for my lunch.  

A close friend of mine has passed away this week.  

Buttercup and I are doing just fine.  

I hope that you are all staying safe and warm.  Prayers for California - I have a Niece and her family that lives right in the Los Angeles Area.  

God Bless You 
Love & Prayers
Linda K, Buttercup  

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Once Upon A Fairytale Progress

Once Upon A Fairytale - Heaven And Earth Designs - Artist is Aimee Stewart - Designer is Michele Sayetta - Page 4 - Almost done with a Column - Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Once Upon A Fairytale 
Heaven And Earth Designs 

Artist is Aimee Stewart
Designer is Michele Sayetta

25 Count Bone Lugana 
1 x 1 Full Cross

I am on Page 4.  I almost have a Column done on this page.  There is tons of Confetti Stitching in this.  I stitch a little bit each day on this due to Confetti Stitching.  

I love stitching on this and I love seeing the little details come alive.  I love this project.  

Thank you for your Comments...Thank you for looking....

God Bless You All
Happy Stitching
Linda K, Buttercup 

Frosty Forest Progress

Frosty Forest by Country Cottage Needleworks - Block 5 - Blueberry Cabin - Friday, December 20, 2024

Frosty Forest 
Country Cottage Needleworks

14 Count Ice Blue Aida - Zweigart

I am on Block 5 - I am hoping that I can get this Block done by the end of this year.  I would love to get this entire Project Done by the end of next year in 2025.  

I am loving this - I do enjoy stitching on this because it is easy and very simple to do.  

We got Snow - not very much of it though - like a inch or so.  Its mostly been very cold - below freezing - right now as I am writing this it is 22 Degrees Above Zero F.  That is very cold.  I did not go anywhere yesterday and I am not going anywhere today either.  I had to clean my car off three different times yesterday.  It is snow covered again due to the Snow that has arrived over night.  

Thank you for your Comments - I really appreciate them very much.  

Happy Stitching
Merry Christmas 
Happy New Year

God Bless You All
Linda K, Buttercup